Friday, December 14, 2007

Getting the Tree

Sometimes I just can't believe how completely life returns full circle while raising children. Last weekend we went to get our Christmas tree, and lo and behold, Riley found it absolutely necessary to have a complete meltdown over who knows what. It didn't last all that long and he was eventually able to rejoin us with minimal enthusiasm. Outing salvaged. The thing about it is that I know of an almost identical picture. Little (or, embarrasingly, not so little? I can't remember) Amanda sulking behind a Christmas tree. I even remember the day a bit, a feeling of knowing my behavior wasn't cool, but being unable to stop, having already started down that path...

At least little Davey was plenty happy about the whole excursion.

Do you think it was big enough? It was further cinched down than this, but was too big to fit through the bailer. It was a fun car ride home...a few interesting looks from other drivers!

Now we are enjoying it at home. Riley spends time daily on his little step stool arranging and rearranging the ornaments.


Hott Mama said...

Well, you don't act that way anymore. (At least, most of the time.) So, that should give you hope for the future. In 27 more years, he'll be sulk free!

Anonymous said...

So glad you are up and running -- I was having blog withdrawal! Oh yeah, crazy momma had her share of meltdowns as a wee one (and maybe not so wee?), but her absolute wonderfulness the rest of the time was more than compensation, as is the case for our Riley Boy...

Anonymous said...

And they call it the most wonderful time of the year. It brings back memories of the Norman Rockwell thoughts I was having of picking out our perfect Christmas tree only to be brought back to real life with a meltdown by Katrina. That must be the true maning of Christmas - meltdowns getting Christmas trees!