Friday, May 16, 2008

Busy Bee

At least part of the evening "Witching Hour" (when children whine, cry, throw themselves on the floor, pull desperately on your leg, and the like...) has been salvaged through water play!!

Does anyone recognize the apron?

Sometimes Daddy's hand is all a sleepyhead needs.

Candles have become a necessity at dinner these days. Davey demands "can cans" mainly for the fun of blowing them out after we are done eating.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Green!! Life Continues...

I feel as though life is just entering that Summertime mode where you realize how fleeting it really is. The calendar is filling up and the world is truly green again. Broccoli and peas have been planted, along with that garlic that was planted last fall.

Pure Joy


Monday, May 5, 2008

My Little Actor

I love these pictures of Riley's attempts at capturing different emotions. It was like a real photo shoot (or what I would imagine one to be like). Oh, the drama!





Sunday, May 4, 2008

Montshire Museum

More than a month ago now, we went to the Montshire Museum about an hour north of here in Norwich, VT. We explored all their wonderful indoor exhibits and want to go back soon to see all the outdoor areas we missed due to snow cover. The following descriptions are brought to you by Riley...

This is a ball machine. There were lots of silver balls inside that came up when you cranked a handle. And there was this track that led the balls down.

This is special rotating chair. Somebody spun it and then you were spinning around too fast and then you fell off. (This did not really happen.)

Davey is touching the silver squares that you shot with the air cannon. To shoot the air cannon you had to bang the back which was made of cloth (rubber, actually) then a air shot came out and made the silver squares shake.

Here you can see Daddy and me downstairs by the sailing table.

This is Davey playing in the playroom of the Montshire.