Thursday, November 1, 2007


Phew, it has been a while!
A little busy, a little lazy,
a little overwhelmed...
pertussis in the house!
Riley is on the mend,
s l o w l y.
Antibiotics kept David
from getting too bad.
But even he will still have
mild coughing fits for a while yet.

Here is Ry with a large head of Romanesco! An Italian variety of broccoli, basically. The kids love it. It goes by the name "dinosaur trees" and "Alien trees".
We found an old table to put in the kitchen (after removing that funny cabinet from by the doorway), and it has changed my life!!
Everyone was just well enough for
Halloween!!! Davey was fascinated by the trash...
Riley doing a dry run at our house before we left for trick-or-treating. His jack-o-lantern is on the left. I cut it out, but he drew the face on. If you click on the picture you can see it better.
David just barely hung on until we were out walking in the dark night. He quieted down and was mesmerized. Then he realized Riley was getting something good from all of these people, and franticness set in...

Riley was a hang glider!
David finally got a treat before bed. Our neighbor handed out pretzles. A much better treat for a somewhat sick baby, and he didn't know the difference!
The Haul.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice whitch shot: cackling at the crying baby. classic!