Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Movin' On...

Just wanted to let you know I am done posting on this "blog".  (Like you hadn't already's been since March, I believe!!)  I guess I am not Crazy Momma anymore.  I am starting a new blog, though, hoping a slightly new context will keep up my motivation to share little moments from out lives with you.  I am hoping to post much more frequently, but with only one photo and  a few words per post.  Selfishly, this is to try and cover more ground for the preservation of my own memories!  Also, to remind myself of these moments every day in attempt to savor them a bit more...

Come on and check it out HERE

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's Not Over Yet!

Winter, that is. Although today that cute snowman is leaning dangerously to the left because of the rain (hooray!).

And even though snow still covers most surfaces, some spring things cannot be denied. Kites!

Clay creations.

Riley's birthday lego ferrari begins its customization process.

"Laddars." This is how little Davey manages to get wherever he want to be.

After months of isolation Baby Henry has made a reappearance as a constant companion. For now, anyway. He's been "falling" and "getting hurt" an awful lot. Perhaps he prefers life burried in a basket of stuffed animals...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Winter Montage

Just imagine some cheesy music playing as I take you through the last few months all at once. Actually, I haven't been taking that many pics this winter. But, inspired by my cousin Rusty who sent me a letter and mentioned he occassionally checked my blog, I guilted myself into at least throwing these up... not literally, of course.

Great Grandma Rena made it out for a visit from WI in November.

The ice storm.

Snow play.

Grandma Cheryl came from WI with her mom.

Coolest. Plowtruck. Ever.