Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!!

In lieu of an actual hold-it-in-your-hand valentine, we are sending our love via the internet! I'd like to say it's because it's more environmentally friendly, or something noble like that, but the truth is I just didn't get my s**t together in time. Riley's school valentines were hard enough. But my laziness doesn't mean I don't love you! We all love you very much!! Happy Valentine's Day.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

"Share the Love Potluck"

Last night 2 families put on their annual Valentine's potluck at the Dummerston Grange. One of the families includes one of Riley's best friends from school, Ben. Riley was all revved up to go, so we braved the snow outside (which made it that much more exciting) and headed out. When we got there Riley immediately found Ben and ran off...where is that clingy little boy I' ve always known?!? We all had such a blast. Everyone (and there were alot of people there) brought a dish to share, and drinks were provided. Let me tell you that older children dancing is the most entertaining thing I've seen in a long time! It was a true party for families, which seems to be so rare. Kids had the run of the place, and parents got to wrangle the littlest ones and hang out with eachother. We're already looking forward to next year! The couple pictures below with no flash show the atmosphere much better than the others, but with so much movement going on the flash was mostly necessary.Juggling.
Ben and Riley actually eating something before diving into the cupcakes. (I saw Ben eat 3 in 10 minutes!!)
Making Valentines downstairs.

As the night wore on Davey's spunk wore off. He could barely dance and run for the door anyomre!
Waiting in line for the balloon man.
The water cooler was a main attraction for Davey.
Ben and Riley waiting for still more balloon swords...

Friday, February 8, 2008

"Roller Skating" and "Cooking"

Today Riley has been fulfilling his lifelong dream of learning to rollerskate! He kept at it for almost an hour!

Meanwhile, Davey whipped up some home cookin' to sustain us...