Friday, January 25, 2008

Riley's 5th Birthday!!

Firstly, I'd like to tell you why I have been so very late in posting Riley's birthday least it is for a very good reason! I have actually been going to bed early for the past number of nights. Early, like 8:30 or 9:00 early. My body finally rebeled and demanded sleep. (That's the time of day I normally do the blog.)

Anyway, here is the birthday celebration...the party uploaded first even though it was not chronologically accurate.
My dear friend Allison enjoying the chaotic festivities.

Corey and Davey watching all the paper airplane fun.

Riley's oldest (as in friends the longest, not meaning he's 10 years old) friend Sebastian providing musical accompaniment for the airplane flying.

Loads of airplanes going up...
Checking out the haul.
Riley's double layer (not the triple he had originally requested) chocolate cake.

Now for his actual birthday (the party was on Sat.)...
What a big, full, happy day it was! Riley was so very excited for it to be his 5th birthday. From early morning straight through bedtime it never waned.The glasses that came in Aunt Pat's card were a hit!

Not a great picture of Riley, but it captures how early it felt to the rest of us (i.e. Nathan's ridiculous man yawn in the background!!)
Later in the day after school he wore his new apron and played with his new planes while the birthday cookies baked.
And built his new lego helicopter 99% by himself (I verbally helped him the whole way).
Then Grandpa came over for dinner and we had the BIG birthday cookie!

(for the life of me I could not get the bold and underline to turn off...sometimes computers mystify me...)

Monday, January 14, 2008

Tio Duke and Rachael

We had the pleasure of having my brother and his girlfriend visit this past weekend. These are not the greatest pictures, but I think they capture a bit of the spirit of their visit. Uncle Nathan sure is rowdy! and fun! and sometimes inappropraite! Tee Hee! So much credit, however, for not dropping even one F Bomb!!

Where's Riley? Where's Duke? Dios Mio, man!

Under the table, giggling uncontrollably!!
These "atomic blasters" are an amazing amount of fun. We gave them to everyone on Christmas and had massive multigenerational shoot you in the butt sessions! They got put away until this weekend, and then put away again. Let's just say we have issues about toy guns and children... guns are for special occasions! Well, it does get annoying being shot with harmless styrofoam rockets continually once all the guests have left. I really don't think this is doing any harm. I have such great memories of playing with nerf shooters as a kid. I didn't join the army! Maybe I'm afraid I'll have a son who does, and I'll look back at this as where it all started! Really it is all fun until I see Riley, or even Davey, holding the "shooter" just like a gun and firing with glee. Oh, but I digress...there is no right or wrong. I just hope that the larger context of what we are trying to teach him about how to be a good person is enough to keep this innocent.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Morningside in Winter

Last Sunday we went up to Morningside Flight Park with our great friends Dae and Neill. The weather was mild enough to stay outside for 4 hours (Davey being the weak link in that scenario). Such a nice reprieve after the snow storms and bitter cold of the past weeks. Of course yesterday and today the January Thaw contines with balmy high 50 degree weather! Morningside must be slush now!

Flight Park, indeed!! Nathan got in a bunch more successful flights with the "wingo".
Neill had a few great paragliding flights...
and chatted up Davey!
Davey has reached that age where he is obsessed with motorized vehicles of all kinds.
Dae and friends getting ready to barbeque.
Ultimate Sledding! I don't know if I have ever gone so far, so fast on a sled before.

This sled belonged to a relatively old man (late 70's/early 80's??) who lives nearby. He went down the hill dragging his feet behind him, and still soaring along. A sight to behold. Apparently David was inspired!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Many Faces...

Davey tall,

Davey cranky,
Davey snuggly,
My favorite, frankly.
Riley nutso,
Riley icky,
All worked up,
But, please, no licky!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Backyard Skiing!!

After two consecutive storms left us with a foot of new fluffy snow, the plow pile grows!! Mainly a mini sledding hill, on this late afternoon a ski hill emerged! It was Riley's very first time ever on skis, and he just wanted more!! The Daddy ski lift, however, was only good for a few runs. Suffice to say, his appetite has been whet.

First time down with a pole to hold on to...
What service...
That pole was cumbersome...let me do it by myself!!
This edition of "crazy momma" is dedicated to Grandma Cheryl who so selflessly stayed inside with the cold, cranky baby while I got to watch the show!